Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Colors of Spring!

In light of a mild Cleveland winter, i've decided to document the colors of this early and beautiful spring.  I've been walking to work, so many (but not all) of the pics are from my daily commute.  Happy Spring!

This is crazy beautiful weather for Cleveland in March.

 Magnolias are my favorite spring tree as the flowers are gorgeous!

Not sure what kind of tree this is.

This is our horseradish!  Year number 2 :~)

Spring flowers for my fiance' Rebecca

More pretty trees on my way to work.

Mom always said "when you see the first Robin of the year, spring is near."

Dandelion!  Did you know the leaves are extremely healthy for you?  Isn't it ironic that some people pay good money to eat leaves of a dandelion and others pay good money for chemicals to keep them out of their lawn.  I prefer food. 

More pretty flowers.

What's your favorite spring flower???

Peace and Blessings,

Brandon E. Kocher